Chocolate and Orange Crème Brûlée


  • 680 g 35% cream
  • 50 g Orange juice
  • 200 g Egg yolk
  • 135 g sugar
  • 40 g Cointreau
  • 2 Gelatine leaves
  • 50 g Oropucce pure plantation chocolate


1. Soak gelatine sheets in cold water.

2. Bring cream to the boil in a small saucepan.

3. Beat the eggs and sugar in a bowl until frothy.

4. Temper the yolks by pouring half the boiling cream into the eggs. Continue beating at the same time.

5. Return the saucepan containing the cream to medium-low heat.

6. Pour the contents of the bowl into the remaining boiling cream.

7. Stir with your spatula until it reaches 84˚C.

8. Immediately add the gelatin leaves, removing any excess water.

9. Add the orange juice and chocolate.

10. Once the chocolate has melted, strain through a sieve.

11. Pour into ramekins and chill for at least 45min.

12. Before serving, add 1 tbsp sugar and/or brown sugar and, using a blowtorch, burn the surface.