Creamy pasta with rapini
- olive oil
- pine nuts
- Rapini
- Ricotta cheese - 4 tablespoons
- 35% cream - ¼ cup
- Shallots
- Garlic
- Pasta
- Salt
- Pepper
- Basil oil
- Coarsely chop your rapini
- Plunge into boiling water
- Cook for 3-5 minutes
- Drain rapini
- Finely chop garlic and shallots
- Brown your shallots in a hot frying pan
- Add your garlic and pine nuts
- Season with salt
- Pepper
- Add your rapini
- Lightly sauté in the pan
- Add ricotta
- Add 35% cream
- Taste
- Salt if necessary
- Pepper if necessary
- Make the pasta al dante
- Sauté pasta with sauce
- Arrange on a plate
- Add a drizzle of basil oil
Tips and tricks
- Young head of rapini 🡪 not fresh
- Garlic odor - stainless steel onion - odor disappears
- The more the rapini is cooked, the less bitter it will be
- Onion and shallot before garlic cooks faster
- Replace with broccoli, it's less bitter.
- Always salt your water when cooking pasta. It will taste better.