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On this page, you'll find inspiring recipes to cook from scratch or using my grocery products.
Whether you like to prepare everything yourself or want to simplify your meals with quality products, you'll find delicious ideas here. Bon appétit!
Grilled eggplant and goat cheese
Pasta with roasted eggplant
Eggplants stuffed with chicken and gratin tomatoes
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Spicy pork and eggplant salad
Grilled salmon, eggplant confit with tomato
Pizza croûte de chou-fleur, aubergine, pois chiches et champignons
Purée d'aubergine fumée et olives
Aubergine à la bolognaise
Lasagne aux aubergines grillées
Sauté d'aubergine et pois chiches à l'indienne
Sauté d'aubergine et pois chiche à l'indienne
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